Partonomy list P3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: ES, interface: EN, work in progress

musculi masticatorii (par)

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Top level systema musculare Short Extended
Level 2 pars capitis systematis muscularis Short Extended
Current level musculi masticatorii (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short Spanish equivalent
1713 tax
musculi masticatorii (par)
músculos masticatorios (par)
48996 1727 tax
musculus masseter (par)
músculo maseter (par)
49000 1714 tax
pars superficialis (par)
porción superficial (par)
49003 1715 tax
pars profunda (par)
porción profunda (par)
49006 1716 tax
musculus temporalis (par)
músculo temporal (par)
49015 1717 tax
musculus pterygoideus lateralis (par)
músculo pterygoidal lateral (par)
49020 1718 tax
caput superius musculi pterygoidei lateralis (par)
cabeza superior del músculo pterygoidal lateral (par)
49021 1719 tax
caput inferius musculi pterygoidei lateralis (par)
cabeza inferior del músculo pterygoidal lateral (par)
15165 tax
(musculus pterygoideus proprius (par) )
(músculo pterygoidal proprio (par) )
49011 1720 tax
musculus pterygoideus medialis (par)
músculo pterygoidal medial (par)
15166 tax
caput profundum musculi pterygoidei medialis (par)
cabeza profunda del músculo pterygoidal medial (par)
15167 tax
caput superficiale musculi pterygoidei medialis (par)
cabeza superficial del músculo pterygoidal medial (par)
12 lines
91.7 %
91.7 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
This aberrant muscle was described by Akita et al. (2001) Aberrant muscle between the temporalis and the lateral pterygoid muscle: M. pterygoideus proprius (Henle). Clin Anat 14:237-303
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 1713
Subtotals subchildren 0 subunits 0
Proper children 35
Number of children 35 (validated)
Proper units 12
Number of units 12 (validated)
Signature 11906 (validated since 14.12.2022)
Date: 05.06.2024